4Soft Menu Instruction
In 4Soft there are 4 types of buttons that are used for ordering food.
Menu Group
Menu Item
Modifier Group
Modifier Item
Follow these steps below in order to create a new menu in 4Soft.
Create new Menu Item
Attach Modifier Group
Set Menu Layout
In this step, we will create a new menu named ‘Spaghetti’ (replace Spaghetti with your food name) under menu group NOODLE
Skip to 10. If this item does not need to be printed
Menu Items can have many choices such as meat choices, spiciness. These choices must be printed in the kitchen, so that cooks can prepare food properly. In 4Soft modifier, groups work in 2 ways, Forced Choice and Modified Choice
Forced Choice: This is a mandatory modifier. It will be asked immediately when this item was ordered.
Modified Choice: This is an optional modifier. This can be used to add a modifier that is not in a forced choice. Usually, this type of modifier is not frequently used.
In this step, we will attach existing modifier groups (Meat Choices, Spiciness, + / - Meat) to Spaghetti. Meat Choices and Spiciness will be configured as Force Choice. + / - Meat will be configured as Modified Choice.
Forced Choice property
Forced Choice: By selecting this, it will be asked immediately when ordering this item
Min: minimum choices that must be selected
Max: maximum choices that can be selected. (0 means no limit)
Modified Choice property
Modified Choice: By selecting this, it will be shown when clicking Modify
Min: minimum choices that must be selected
Max: maximum choices that can be selected. (0 means no limit)
Example of Forced Choice when a test order
Example of Modified Choice when a test order
This is the last step of creating a menu item, new menu item that we created will be shown on the ordering screen after we finished this step.
Our new Menu Item, Spaghetti, is shown on screen, ready for ordering.